Kamal Kumar Chaurasia(
The term Library automation connotes the use of automatic data processing machines to perform routine library activities. It implies a high degree of mechanization of various routine and repetitive tasks & operations and processes are left to be performed by human beings. Simply Library Automation is the application of computers and utilization of computer based products and services in the performance of different operations and functions or in the provision of various services and output products. In addition to computer advancement, telecommunication and audio-visual technologies gave a way to new possibilities in information processing and handling.
Library Automation has been defined as ‘integrated systems’ that computerizes an array of traditional library functions using a common database (Cohn, Kelsey and Fiels) and while this is still generally true, rapid technological change is forcing a re-examination of what it means to “automate the library”. In the broadest sense, Markuson means “employment of machines for library processes”. ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science defines automation as “the performance of an operation, a series of operations or a process by self activating, self controlling, or automatic means. Automation implies the use of automatic data processing equipment such as a computer or other labour saving devices”.
The versatility and speed of computers offers numerous benefits over manual library functions and operations. Computer applications in libraries has manifold advantages:
✓ Reduces Drudgery
Multiple Outputs
✓ Increases Productivity ✓ Improves Quality of Services ✓ Expands the scope and coverage ✓ It will foster new products and services ✓ Instant Answers to queries
NEED & OBJECTIVES OF LIBRARY AUTOMATION While justifying need for library