Library System for Fortunato F. Halili National Agricultura School
A Project
Presented to
The faculty of Saint Justine College Of Asia
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Information Technology
Michael Bugtong
Jasmin Evangelista
Michael Magalona
Chona Valeros
John Christoper Teodoro
Marwin Casimiro
Jocelyn M. Gamo
Project Adviser
March 2014
An important part of software development in the information system application area is the new generation technique. It was identified as an action research in developing the proposed system which is the “Action Research” is design in putting up a library system that will fit to the needs of the “Fortunate F. Halili National School” this study enables the book keeper’s hassle – free from manual searching and manual jotting down borrower’s transactions This Action Research is design by the information technology students of Saint Justine College of Asia namely,
Michael Bugtong who is will serve as the programmer; Michael Magalona who will act as a system analyst; Jasmin Evangelista and Chona Valeros who will be the researcher of the group; John Christoper Teodoro and Marwin Casimiro who will be the documentary.
Most of the references used nowadays and never fades are books. People who need it purchase this reference material while some borrow from a public or private library.
In a library where many transactions are being process, there are methods that the LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION used to make things work faster and easier. One of the methods used by the librarians and book keepers is the LIBRARY SYSTEM. It is an arrangement used to coordinate and manage library books, borrowers and users in the easiest way
There were several libraries inquired and research by the researchers used a different kind of library system.
In Toronto Public Library, the largest public library in Toronto, Canada, uses mechanics in the library