Student Name: _____________
Possible Points: 20
1. List your topic for the Research presentation and paper ____Test Taking Strategies for College____
Find a website that may be a possible source for your paper/presentation. List the web address below. You may copy and paste the web address into this document Evaluate the website for credibility. Look at the author, content, and when the website was last updated. Is the website suitable for your needs? Explain your evaluation by providing specific details. You may want to take a look at this web evaluation tutorial for additional assistance: points)
I feel this web site is very creditable since it is linked to an actual university. It has a very well laid out page dedicated to just info to help guide you and direct you on the path of bettering you on test taking. It shows you the background and purpose of test taking. It shows the student the advantages and gives specifics strategies for specific test types and subjects. It is filled with a ton of knowledge. It also has a very well laid out bibliography so that you can cross check the info you get.
2. Go to, and select the library link. The first search bar on the page will be labeled: Search the Library Catalog. Using a keyword search, look for books that relate to your topic. If you cannot find enough results, you may want to brainstorm additional keywords.
List the name, call number, and location of at least two books that you have found that relate to your topic. (3 points)
Test-Taking strategies - LB3060.57.K36.2003 - Agricultural Technical Institute Wooster Stacks
Studying, Test Taking and Getting Good Grades - LB3060.26.P35.2006 - Thompson Library Stacks 8th Floor
3. Now we will visit the databases. For this part of the assignment, we will use the off-campus access option to reach the