Great depression was a worldwide economic crisis, and during Great Depression the unemployment rate rose to record high in the United States. In 1930s unemployment rate was soared by 20 percents. Stock price was declined by 89 percents, and industrial production and construction were almost halt. Unemployment was rising and wages fell for those who were working, business failed, millions of people were homeless, banks were out of business. Farmers were caught in a depression because of the collapse of food prices with the loss of exports markets after World War I. Farmers also lost their lands.…
The first main cause of the great depression was economic reasoning. Document L states how there was a weak banking structure and the failure of one bank led to the failures of others. This is important because the people caused the the crash. When the stocks went down many people rushed to the bank to take their money out. In document M, it stated how people bought all they could afford. By…
The Great Depression affected all of America. “By 1933, 11,00 of the United States’ 25,000 banks had failed” (Britanica 1). This failure caused a loss of confidence in the economy. Unemployment was also a big issue at the time. By 1932 unemployment had raised to 12 to 15 million people out of the work force; that is 25 to 30%. The manufacturers also lost a lot of their output. By 1932, The U.S. manufacturing output had fallen to 54% of its 1929 level. Many people’s lives were dramatically changed during the Great Depression. Many people had to deal with starvation, cold, drought and many other problems.…
During the Great Depression, the time when the Stock Market crashed, lots of problems surfaced and affected many Americans. According to document 1, unemployment increased dramatically at the start of The Great Depression. This created a problem for Americans because unemployment leads to poverty and that leads to hunger. Another example is in document 2 when it says, “banks began to collapse and industrial production ground to a halt.” This means that the life…
The Great Depression caused Americans many other problems, as well. For example, the banking failure also created drastic poverty. Document 2, a photo and article, explains that banks began to collapse and industrial production ground to a halt. Banks across the country were collapsing and people everywhere in America were losing their life savings. After people lost money in the stock market crash they panicked. The people tried withdrawing all their money from banks causing, the banks to close and many people to lose all the money in that bank. When all those people became destitute, they became homeless and unemployed causing businesses to lose money. Thus repeating the cycle that forced more layoffs. Banking failures caused many people and businesses to lose money, greatly contributing to…
The Great Depression was an economic crisis that put millions on the streets. The Great Depression happened when the stock market crashed as an effect, thousands of people lost their jobs, houses, cars, and more. The Great Depression lasted a long ten years from 1929 till 1939. The United States was in a place of financial despair and families were greatly affected by the struggling economy. Families were in desperate need of help during this time.…
The Great Depression was a huge piece of our history here in the United States. It was a time of hope, struggle, and poverty. Some of the vital factors that contributed to the formation of the Great Depression include the rapid purchasing of stocks and the stock market crash, weak banking structure, and the care free spending among wealthy Americans. The Depression was not at all the outcome of one problem, rather multiple problems.…
The Great Depression The Great Depression was a United States. economic depression taking place during the 1930’s. It began in 1929 when the stock market crashed. This caused a decline in employment and businesses to fail.…
The Great Depression was a terrible stock market crash known as Black Tuesday. This occurred on the day of October 29, 1929. On Black Thursday stocks dropped 11% and regained 2%. But then on Black Tuesday it dropped another 11% which caused everyone to be scared. The stock market crash was the main reason of America's great depression. There was also the Dust Bowl which was the major drought that mainly affected the states of Texas and Oklahoma. It also touched the adjacent sections of New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas. Many farmers could not pay their taxes and had to sell their farms for no profit/gain for themselves. There was also all the bank failures that caused many people to lose their savings. These 3 main things caused about 15 million…
The Great Depression was a time of agony and strife for the people of the United States. During this time period, of the 1930s, altering of the American social fabric occurred in the sense of family ties, underlying beliefs/values, and bonus expeditionary forces. The hardships after the crash of 1929 until the end, marked usually around 1941, caused families to come closer together and work together to survive. The Jacksonian ideals of independent and self-sufficient citizens were eroded and assistance began to help people along. The depression changed how a group of people were viewed as especially when the government itself, who normally revered a certain group, treated them with utter disrespect.…
While these events changed the U.S. greatly. The Great Depression is the one event that changed the way everyone is the United States lived. Day to day lives were never the same, people were not the same. City people moved to farms to grow their own food for their families. Families who stayed in rural areas decreased their meals and children went around barefoot. Suicide rates rose to its highest levels in the nation’s history while birthrate decreased. As one labor leader recalled, communists “brought misery out of hiding” with their protests, unemployed councils, and sponsored marches.…
The great depression was one of the most detrimental and difficult things ever put on the US, people all across the country lost their jobs, went hungry, lost their homes, and were forced to live in poverty. People had to resort to eating out of dumpsters, scavenging for food, living in hoovervilles, sharing a small house with multiple families. One boy states that “We ate that dog meat with potatoes” (Doc 1). People were forced to eat meat that was meant for dogs, not humans. They were forced to live of small scraps of low grade meat and potatoes for weeks at a time. African Americans at this time were also put in extreme hardships, with most of their employers no longer having enough money to hire them they were forced to live in run down shacks, and rent out rooms to other people just to make up the rent. “Negro families were forced to take in lodgers […] frequently whole families slept in one room.” (Doc 2).…
The Great Depression had a legacy of being the worst economic event in the history of the industrialized world. After the stock market crash of 1929, spending and investment dropped between consumers and companies, causing declines in industrial output and employment as companies laid off workers. Fifty billion dollars were lost in the first two years of the depression (Elliot). To continue, “From 1930 to 1933 about 9,000 banks in the United States suspended operation and the money supply fell by one-third” (Great Depression). The United States market lost two-thirds of its value by 1933, and the number of banks fell thirty-five percent during that time period as well (Szostak).…
The Great Depression was an awful point in history. It was a worldwide economic slump of the 1930’s. Banks, factories, and shops all closed. Millions of people were left jobless. Many people had to depend on the government or charity to provide them with their everyday needs. Rising unemployment, declining production, and falling prices spread rapidly to the rest of the world in the early 1930's. The Depression caused world trade to slow down a lot, as countries tried to help their own industries by increasing restrictions on imports.…
The great depression left its mark in history with being the biggest global economic situation we have ever had, it started late 1929 and ended during 1939. The great depression began because of many different reasons, like unemployment, the credit installment plan, as well with the stock market crashing; World War 2 was the reason for it to end.…