
Life Decisions In A Lesson Before Dying

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Life Decisions In A Lesson Before Dying
If forces in our life controlled us we'd probably be more robots than human. The fact is, we control the direction of our lives and we chose the direction in which we want it to go. Forces out of our control come our way to reveal our character, and shape us into who we will be. In other words we have the will of choice. Choices we make often have consequences we are well aware of whether good or bad. Although at times we may feel as if we don't have a choice, truthfully we do. They are called life decisions.
“A Lesson Before Dying” consisted of Grants feelings. A lot of his thoughts were of him wanting to leave Bayonne for good. He dreaded that his aunt practically made him teach Jefferson to be a man, and not a hog. But did she really? Was he really forced to? No. because Grand grant had a car and keys to leave and never look back. This, however, was not his character, and it was not in his best interest to leave
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Tante Lou didn't like the fact that he did not attend church. She, however, did not stop him because he was an adult. This was Grant's decisions just like any other decisions were his throughout the book. People like minister, Reverend Ambrose, also had a big impact on the way Grants visits with Jefferson would go, also how his character would change throughout the book. For instance, when Reverend wanted to speak to Grant in his room he scolded him on the way he was dealing with the whole situation with Jefferson. This made Grant realize how selfish he was for doing what Tante Lou and Miss Emma wanted him to do in a generous and Genuine manner. “‘And that's the difference between me and you, boy; that make me the educated one and you the gump. I know my people. I know what they gone through. I know they done cheated themselves, lied to themselves hoping that one they all love and trust can come back and help relieve pain’”(Gaines

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