Someone once said ”You should never fear death, but fear the unlived life”. This basically means that one should never fear the end of a journey, but enjoy the trip. To me this i absolutley true. I would rather have five years where i could experience everything, travel the world, meet new people and enjoy my life. Instead of living til the age of eighty five, but not have enjoyed my life, and experienced what i wanted. Value is something each individual assigns to their life depending on how much meaning it has to them self and to others. A life is not a self contained object, but something that is shared with others. In Hamlets Soliloquy, hamlet did not realize how much impact he ha don others life and how much people cared about him. He saw his life as something worthless, and he …show more content…
I think of human lifes as having intrinsic values. The intrinsic value of life is the same no matter gender, nationality, sexuality, backround and ethnicity. I believe that intrinsic value is determined societly. For instance a black gay man´s life should not be seens as a life that is worth less than a blond straight woman. I believe that there is too many abstract factors revolving round a persons life to accuratly or even aproximatley determen a value of that