The island’s predatory nature is conveyed as Pi discovers “thirty-two intricately wrapped human teeth,” eerily assuming the shape of fruits, and thus denoting the island as carnivorous. The entire island is essentially a metaphor. Freely dwelling upon the mysterious island among an abundance of nutritious supplies and sufficient protection, the meerkats symbolize the devotees of religion. Due to a process through which Pi corroborates “… that highly predatory algae turns acidic,” the sole inhabitants of the island [ meerkats ] must abstain from remaining on the ground throughout the night, therefore abiding by the rule of the island in order to live a blissful life. Similarly, religion strips all the comfort, protection, safety, and support from its followers whom do not abide by its customs. Therefore, Yann Martel successful concludes through the baffling algae island the unforgiving cruelty religion afflicts on those who disregard customs and
The island’s predatory nature is conveyed as Pi discovers “thirty-two intricately wrapped human teeth,” eerily assuming the shape of fruits, and thus denoting the island as carnivorous. The entire island is essentially a metaphor. Freely dwelling upon the mysterious island among an abundance of nutritious supplies and sufficient protection, the meerkats symbolize the devotees of religion. Due to a process through which Pi corroborates “… that highly predatory algae turns acidic,” the sole inhabitants of the island [ meerkats ] must abstain from remaining on the ground throughout the night, therefore abiding by the rule of the island in order to live a blissful life. Similarly, religion strips all the comfort, protection, safety, and support from its followers whom do not abide by its customs. Therefore, Yann Martel successful concludes through the baffling algae island the unforgiving cruelty religion afflicts on those who disregard customs and