T’Pre K. Griffin
Capella University
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present a comparison of my knowledge and understanding of lifespan development at the outset of course PSY 7210 Lifespan Development and at the courses’ end. In this paper I will explore lifespan development by identifying and discussing the stages of development, theoretical perspectives and research related to lifespan development. I will conclude with discussing how my knowledge and understanding of lifespan development can be applied within my specialization of Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology.
Reflection on Lifespan Development As middle age lurked its unwanted presence I began to recognize how true and applicable the saying “life is too short” applied to almost everything the average middle-aged person set to accomplish. At age 42, I have no regrets in life. My parents set the stage for my desire for achievement and accomplishment, and I set out to do the same for my children. A person’s lifespan is their legacy; and I strongly believe that nothing happens by chance, all things happen as a consequence of some action. For example, my enrollment in this course was the consequence of years of work in a field that I no longer hold a passion. I started career as a high school girl’s basketball coach and somehow 22 years later managed to service 14 years in United States Air Force; two years as a State Correctional Officer; and seven years as a State Auditor. My academic career has seen me bounce from nursing to education and finally settling with business. My most important career as a mother is about to take new direction, as my youngest children begin their collegiate journey. So the question I asked myself was “What do I do now”? I recently obtained my Masters degree in Management and Leadership and was not sure I wanted to return to school so soon; however the profession that I’ve longed to do for so many years
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