
Light Motifs In Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare

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Light Motifs In Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare utilizes the motif of “light” in order to highlight Romeo’s love for Juliet and to suggest that love can change people. When Romeo’s parents meet up with Benvolio, they use the motif of “light” to describe Romeo’s condition.His father describes how Romeo “Shut ups his Windows, locks fair daylight out” and how he “makes himself an artificial night.” (1.1.137) Romeo is depressed and prefers to stay out of light because he has fallen out of love with Rosaline so he locks himself in his bedroom,shuts his Windows and doesn’t want to be bothered by anyone to make himself feel like an “artificial night”. When someone is depressed or an bad incident has taken place dark/ night are usually associated with situations like this.When,Romeo

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