It is a true fact that if the customers are satisfied then the recommended to others. Word of mouth and customer satisfaction play a very important role in determining market perception about automobiles. Market perception determines the success of a company and so it is very important for the car manufacturers to measure the “willingness of existing users of a product to recommend it to others”. Car is one of the products which is purchased most significantly by Indian households.
“What makes the perfect car that influence willful purchase?”
The project highlights the factors that influence the buying decision of a consumer.
The factor under consideration would be:
Income of the consumer
Features in the car
Safety standard
Warranty scheme
Finance facility
Customer satisfaction index: some of the most advance thinking in the business world recognizes that customer relationships are best treated as assets, and that methodical analysis of these relationships can provide a road map for improving them.
“If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” – Lord William Thomson Kelvin (1824-1907)
There is obviously a strong link between customer satisfaction and customer retention. Customer’s perception of service and quality of product will determine the success of the product or service in the market.
Customer expectations are the customer-defined attributes of your product or service. We cannot create satisfaction just by meeting customer’s requirements fully because these have to be met in any case. However falling short is certain to create dissatisfaction.
Major attributes of customer satisfaction can be summarized as:
Product quality
Product packaging
Keeping delivery commitments
Responsiveness and ability to resolve complaints and reject reports
Overall communication, accessibility and attitudes
For the purpose of the project, the researcher has undergone through