These are called Light Rail cars. In the Light Rail Car section in the Unit 5 Rail Road Crossing it states," Light Rail cars accelerate very quickly. A light rail car can accelerate to 55 miles per hour in just 19 seconds. Most light rail trains will operate at 55 miles per hour within the railroad corridor. Trains will operate at 25 miles per hour on the streets in Salt Lake City." Understand the light rail car, we should be extra aware of the signs and warning of rail road crossings. We should also not under estimate the speed of all trains. Good judgement as well is very important when crossing rail roads. Good judgment mixed with the safety and warning signs will keep you safe and out of harms way. You should never go around gates and ignore those safety set up for our protection. You put you and your passengers in harms way. If you do get in an accident with a train it is highly unlikely that will live through it and if you do you would be faced with life changing injuries. I know that I will take extra caution around rail roads and
These are called Light Rail cars. In the Light Rail Car section in the Unit 5 Rail Road Crossing it states," Light Rail cars accelerate very quickly. A light rail car can accelerate to 55 miles per hour in just 19 seconds. Most light rail trains will operate at 55 miles per hour within the railroad corridor. Trains will operate at 25 miles per hour on the streets in Salt Lake City." Understand the light rail car, we should be extra aware of the signs and warning of rail road crossings. We should also not under estimate the speed of all trains. Good judgement as well is very important when crossing rail roads. Good judgment mixed with the safety and warning signs will keep you safe and out of harms way. You should never go around gates and ignore those safety set up for our protection. You put you and your passengers in harms way. If you do get in an accident with a train it is highly unlikely that will live through it and if you do you would be faced with life changing injuries. I know that I will take extra caution around rail roads and