light, or light-emitting diode, emits light when activated and passes energy through a semiconductor to produce light. They also use phosphor, and everyday people are finding new materials to make it. (Vakil). An L.E.D. light draws heat from the power away from it with a heat sink, a passive device that absorbs the heat produced and dissipates it into the surrounding environment in order to keep L.E.D. lights from burning out. (Learn About LED Bulbs). An L.E.D. bulb gives about 100-110 lumens per watt. They last about 35,000-100,000 hours.(Vakil).
This research is relevant to my experiment because I am trying to determine which light bulb is a better choice overall. I think that if the lights are given the same amount of energy and are in the same place, then the L.E.D. lights will give more