
Lightness In Othello

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Lightness In Othello
In the story of Othello by William Shakespeare it is easy to see that there is competition going on just as there is in his other plays. In this story the competition is light versus darkness or as some may see it good versus evil. The definition for lightness in this story is innocents, purity love and goodness. Also the definition for darkness would be malevolence, betrayal and hate. There are three main characters in this play including Iago, Desdemona and Othello. Then there are three side characters including Emelia, Roderigo and Cassio. The story starts with Iago and another character names Roderigo saying Othello is a moor, which means black in these times. Also saying that Othello has “the thick lips” (1.1.66) making him seem that he …show more content…
Now he was actually dark skinned but he was just like every other person. But it seemed like he was called every horrible name people could think of. Of course though his love for a white woman (Desdemona) was wrong and her father and others made it seem as if she has betrayed him and put shame on their family. Iago says to Brabantio who is Desdemona’s father that “an old black ram is tupping your white ewe” (II. 88-89), which tupping meaning having sex. Once again putting it out that Othello is an animal. Brabantio didn’t think that black men were true men but that they were “bond slaves and pagans” and that he doesn’t belong in a white society. Therefore from the very beginning of the story Othello was going to have to prove himself worthy of Desdemona. Which makes him not trust Desdemona as much in fear that her father would try to give her to another man against her will. Not to mention before we even meet Othello, Iago and Roderigo are making Othello out to be a savage like and accusing him of witchcraft and going against nature. The way these men have made Othello out to be turns into Othello having to go before the duke. Othello is already upset for being sent away to protect them against the Turkish. Not knowing this Othello makes friends with Iago who basically turns Othello into as dark person as he is. He constantly makes it seem that Desdemona is cheating on him with …show more content…
He is another secondary character who is considered to have the light or good in him. He seems like he just wants to do his job and be done. But he also seems like he cares about his and Othello’s friendship even though it is not common for a light skinned man and a dark skinned man to be friends at this time. When he gets drunk he loses his job and his friendship and that’s where he gets himself into trouble. Iago has his flaws though he is the kind of person to turn a woman into what a society would see as good or a bad girl. Not to mention he is a lady’s man, which we see when his kiss’s Desdemona’s hand. Which is where we get the whole thing with them having an affair. He may come off as a jerk to woman but his instincts with his job and most of his friendships is what make him seem light or

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