The piece “Olivia”, an original composed by Curtis Taylor, was upbeat and lively throughout. The flow of the music was energetic, people were bobbing their heads to and fro to the beat of the drum. At the beginning of this piece, the drum performed a mellow harmony to set the mood. Once the beats grew …show more content…
The title stayed true in giving the audience the feeling of “falling in love.” At the beginning, the instruments created a soft mood to match the riffs of Mrs. Williams. As she sang, the piano, drums, and bass were in accompaniment; they carried the tune. The piano was the star of the piece, creating a heavenly consonance for the audience to enjoy in his solo. While the vocalist’s pitch grew high to low in a fluent pattern, she left the audience in a trance. Each stanza concluded with a carried out note, which balanced the melody. The rhythm of the bass stayed relaxed and earthy, and went along with the piano perfectly. Little of the trumpet performed in the piece; the mellow beat of the drums, piano, and vocals took over. This piece presented a ternary form, as Mrs. Williams sang the beginning and the end, while the instruments took the stage in the middle. As for the conclusion, the piece ended with a soft piano tempo, and Mrs. Williams’ mesmerizing high