
Lincoln's Speech During The Civil War

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Lincoln's Speech During The Civil War
The 272 words that Abraham Lincoln spoke on the date of November 19, 1863 were so significant.Those 272 handwritten words proved to be a truly monumental speech.. Lincoln presents many major points in the speech but the two main ones are the proposition of the founding fathers and the men who served in the Civil War. In the beginning of his speech Lincoln reminds us of the proposition in which the founding fathers created this nation on. “and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” It doesn’t matter what color, race, or ethnicity you are because everyone was created by one creator and no one men is greater than another. If the men who served in the Civil War didn’t believe it themselves, they wouldn’t put their lives …show more content…
The physical side of things was the most tremendous because the body will eventually give out. Imagine having to load a gun over and over again pouring the gunpowder, cogging it back, taking aim and shooting. That’s a lot of work for one person so they would take turns doing it because they’re not going to sit there letting the opposing side shoot at them while they are trying to load a gun. The fact that they stayed in camps for long periods of times didn’t help their physical health any either, as a matter of fact more soldiers died from disease than from being shot, bullets and even bayonets. Also being malnourished was a cause of the sickness killing them off like flies. This was due to shortage in food supplies during that time because the means of transporting canned goods was not easy or cheap so instead they were fed extremely hard crackers which they tended to soak in their coffee or tea because otherwise it would break their teeth. Yes, it would break their teeth that should give some idea as into how bad the food was bet cafeteria food is sounding good right about now. War is not fun nor is staying in a camp all day long for weeks on end. Ironically many soldiers suffered of boredom during those times so they came up with ways to entertain themselves some being drinking, smoking, checkers, and even

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