He did not stumble upon his discoveries as some might have, instead he worked meticulously for decades on end to make his great discoveries. Pauling was a genius, he even stumped Albert Einstein in an interview. Einstein said, “‘I am a bit rusty on all this… I’ll have to brush up a bit’” (“A Thirty-Year-Old Prize Winner”). This proves that Pauling’s theories and ideas are complicated but they are also the foundations of chemistry and continue to influence humanity to this day. Therefore, Pauling's discoveries could not have been “oversimplified” because they are major keys to chemistry and without them it would be impossible to unlock the secrets that the future of science holds. Pauling’s work is used in chemistry classes all over the world, and his research on the chemical bond will further help us to understand the molecular
He did not stumble upon his discoveries as some might have, instead he worked meticulously for decades on end to make his great discoveries. Pauling was a genius, he even stumped Albert Einstein in an interview. Einstein said, “‘I am a bit rusty on all this… I’ll have to brush up a bit’” (“A Thirty-Year-Old Prize Winner”). This proves that Pauling’s theories and ideas are complicated but they are also the foundations of chemistry and continue to influence humanity to this day. Therefore, Pauling's discoveries could not have been “oversimplified” because they are major keys to chemistry and without them it would be impossible to unlock the secrets that the future of science holds. Pauling’s work is used in chemistry classes all over the world, and his research on the chemical bond will further help us to understand the molecular