Inco 3005-120
Prof. Gladys Ramos
September 20, 2013
Four Stages of Listening Process In this essay I’ll be interpreting the four stages of listening process and the importance of these. Fist, I will give a definition of the four stages and eventually I will be giving my perspective about these terms. These stages are: the perception, interpretation, evaluation and action. According to the Oxford dictionaries, the definition of these words includes the following. Perception is “the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses”. Interpretation is “the action of explaining the meaning of something”. Evaluation is “the making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something”. Action is “the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim”. For me, perception is when using any of the senses you get an idea, in this case, a sound that you give meaning according to your own point of view. In this process, is when you understand the words that are being heard and you take in consideration the ones that are meaningful to you. Then, when you already have understood what is being said we pass to the second stage. Interpretation, what this stage does is transform or give a new meaning in the judgment of the person himself. In the third stage, evaluation, is when you analyze what is been said and you begin to consider what is important. Finally, the fifth step is the action, where you take all the above processes and having all the previous clear and organized you are ready to pass to what is called to be the action, where you express effectively. These four stages are important to listen effectively and to express an effective response. No doubt, each of these stages carries its importance and if you want to get to listen effectively you should not skip or change the order at the time of the listening. In conclusion, the process of listening is very important because it helps us to get a