Professor My Nguyen
English 124
12 September 2012
Literacy Narrative
Can you remember what your teacher taught you back in kindergarten? Chances are she was introducing you to the basics of reading and writing. Literacy is the ability to read and write, and because I did not think I was very good at either of the two, it had never been my favorite thing to do. It wasn’t until my senior year of high school that I had an English class that I actually enjoyed. My teacher was Ms. Holly Eubanks. The past classes had boasted about how good of a teacher Ms. Eubanks was and how, even though she may take a while to grade your papers, she was always trying to help you improve in every possible way she could. On the first day I learned that Ms. Eubanks happened to quite attractive as well, which made it a little easier to pay attention in class. She had blonde hair, green eyes, a fit physique, and she had a very caring and considerate personality which helped her talk to her students and give them confidence in her class. Before taking the class, I knew from her former students that her biggest essay was the one thousand-word “Senior Reflection” that she had us write for our final. Ms. Eubanks’s essay just so happened to be the single most important project that changed my outlook on literacy forever.
Ms. Eubanks had created the aforementioned assignment in order to give seniors an outlet to express and reflect upon their feelings about the past four years. We had to include things we would miss, things we would not miss, things we learned that bettered us for the road ahead, and anything else we wanted to include. She said, “I designed this assignment in order to keep us reading because we will be reviewing other students’ past essays. It will also help you all with your writing abilities.” She concluded by saying, “I promise you that, at the end of this assignment, you will have learned how to prepare for an essay, how to structure an essay, and
Cited: Brees, Drew and Chris Fabry. Coming Back Stronger. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House, 2010. Print.