Such as not letting other people tell you who or what you should be, but just continuing to be yourself, and understanding where someone else comes from before you judge them. Scout learns this about Boo Radley. Her perspective about Boo changes as she grows up. In the beginning, she fantasizes about Boo Radley and all the unrealistic rumours she hears about him that she believes, but by the end of the book she realizes that Boo Radley is just as human as her and did none of those things. Scout now understands that there is almost always a reason behind an unusual action, thanks to Atticus, who shared with Scout that, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." Atticus told Scout this early in the book and this is one of the many wise pieces of advice Atticus shares with Scout and Jem that really help them to develop over the course of the book and I felt that I developed with
Such as not letting other people tell you who or what you should be, but just continuing to be yourself, and understanding where someone else comes from before you judge them. Scout learns this about Boo Radley. Her perspective about Boo changes as she grows up. In the beginning, she fantasizes about Boo Radley and all the unrealistic rumours she hears about him that she believes, but by the end of the book she realizes that Boo Radley is just as human as her and did none of those things. Scout now understands that there is almost always a reason behind an unusual action, thanks to Atticus, who shared with Scout that, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." Atticus told Scout this early in the book and this is one of the many wise pieces of advice Atticus shares with Scout and Jem that really help them to develop over the course of the book and I felt that I developed with