One can appreciate Katherine Mansfield’s, “The Garden Party”. This short story opens up with a character named Laura Sheridan and her conventional family’s’ lavish life of living. Mansfield portrays the correlation between different social classes and the contrasts of illusion versus reality. In detail, this can be exhibited through Laura Sheridan, when she opens herself up to the external world and discovers the death of her neighbor, Mr. Scott. Laura experiences many self-inflicting conflicts throughout the story with the correlation of different social classes and the ideal themes of illusion versus reality.
Mansfield begins by setting off a turn of events when Laura expresses self-curiosity of Mr. Scott’s death. At this point Laura is awakened of this phony life she has been trapped in by her mother. She expresses feelings of anguish when she is conversing with her mother, “ you’re being very absurd, Laura…people like that don’t expect scarifies from us”(Mansfield 1344). Mansfield achieves the use of much absurdity coming from Mrs. Sheridan, who believes in the idea that one class is superior towards another and they should not face contact with one another.
Mansfield at this point recognizes Laura’s revelation and begins to give emphasis to the idea that Laura can’t accept the idea of death; she is too young to understand such things. Accordingly, Laura becomes aware that death is part of life, and she becomes also aware about their life of the upper class. In fact, this disillusions Laura when she realizes that she is living in a dream, where everything is good; their life is only about fine things. She has no idea about what she sees now, this means, she has no idea about what exists outside their world. However, the Sheridan family is living in a sublime world, in which everything is ideal, and privileged. In spite of this, Mrs. Sheridan, I think, is escaping from reality. She doesn’t want her