Brewster uses alliteration 'p' to show "people are made of places" and it is effective because people become what they see and they learn from their environment and get use to that kind of an environment. People have different customs and traditions as they come from different regions depending upon the kind of the regions they come from. As explained in stanza 1 people who are used to fast place cities can’t adjust in a villager type of a lifestyle.
Even though the city is "tidily plotted in little squares with a fountain in the centre", the atmosphere s not so pleasant. there is the "smell of smog", the "smell of work work" and the "smell of subways crowded at rush hours"and the "almost-not-smell of tulips in the spring". While in the countryside the "violets grow".
Elizabeth Brewster’s main point in Where I Come From is to describe how a person’s character is always shaped, at least in part, by the place where which he or she is born. She opens the poem with her point, “People are made of places”. Brewster suggests that no matter where ever we go in life, we will carry memories of each of our hometowns, whether it is a city, as in the first stanza, or the calm Canadian countryside where Elizabeth Brewster was raised. In lines 12 and13, the details provide the reader with an image of Brewster’s hometown: “Where I come from, people carry woods in their minds, acres of pine woods.”, "blueberry patches in the burned-out bush", "wooden farmhouses, old, in need of paint". Fropm where the poet comes, people might see many farmyard animals, and where violets voluntarily exhibit their colors for country folk to