Foreign Literature
"Non-native Graduate Students’ Thesis/Dissertation Writing in Science: Self-reports by Students and Their Advisors from Two U.S. Institutions"
Author : Yu Ren Dong Abstract
This article reports results from a survey of 169 graduate students and their thesis/dissertation advisors at two U.S. southeastern institutions about thesis/dissertation writing in science. The article compares the article compilation and the traditional five-chapter thesis/dissertation, reveals non-native students’ lack of social networks and use of writing resources and their suggestions for an adequate and improved thesis/dissertation writing supervision, and examines the impact of language and cultural differences on non-native students’ thesis/dissertation writing. Findings indicate the need for teaching knowledge transformation skills in EAP classes, establishing helping networks, and a collaboration among disciplines on audience/genre/ discipline specific writing instruction.
Foreign Literature
"Supervising Postgraduate and Undergraduate Research for Doctoral Theses and Dissertations"
Author: Palgrave Macmillan (2005) Abstract The Good Supervisor engages readers in dialogue and active reflection on the strategies of effective supervision of PhDs, postgraduate and undergraduate research. Accessibly written, it encourages supervisors to reflect on and enhance their research supervision practice with a diversity of students on a variety of research projects: Postgraduate and undergraduate levels, international and distance students practice and professional research research leading to creative process and products/creations the PhD by publication supervising your colleagues interpersonal skills managing diversity in learning styles, gender, age and culture. The book is also useful for students undertaking research. There is special focus on research skills development.and on