Characteristics of Graduate Writing Writing at a graduate level is a major part of a student’s coursework when entering into a Master’s program. Throughout a person’s college career, they have written many papers in their undergraduate studies, but writing papers at a graduate level differs from previous styles of writing. There are very distinct characteristics in graduate writing. If the basic outline and rules are followed correctly, the paper will come together in a clear and precise manner; grabbing the audience’s attention, and making the point of the paper undeniable to the reader, while using facts and references to support the thesis. Critical thinking skills are a very important part of graduate writing. Critical thinking allows the writer to see all the different sides of the argument. The writer will question any assumptions that are made all while avoiding the use of commonplaces. The writer, according to "Graduate Level Writing" (2011*2014) “develops a clear argument from the available literature on the subject. This type of writing always establishes a purpose while addressing a specific audience. Often, graduate level writing also provides suggestions for further research and development beyond the limits of the course assignment”. Another important part in writing at a graduate level is using an in depth analysis, of the subject being discussed. This writing is based solely on empirical evidence therefore; statements should be objective rather than subjective. The use of and distinguishing between primary and secondary sources gives the writer the ability to base their writing on the information obtained from such sources. If the writer sticks to the facts, rather than opinion, the use of subjective writing will be avoided. Research is an important characteristic in graduate level writing. Without research, there
References: Graduate Level Writing. (2011*2014). Retrieved from