(Adapted from DRAFT PSG ON UNDERGRADUATE THESIS / CAPSTONE PROJECTS and GL-AAD-019 Guide for Thesis Writing for Undergraduate Graduate Studies revised March2006)
Preliminaries • Blank Sheet
• Title Page This contains the title of the thesis, name of proponents, a statement regarding the qualification, the name of the institution to which the thesis is being submitted, month and year of submission.
• Approval Sheet This bears the name of the proponents, title of the thesis, the signatures of the adviser, college dean and members of the oral defense Panel. This also certifies that the thesis has been approved and the date of approval its approval. This sheet is only included in the final revision of the manuscript after the oral defense.
• Acknowledgements This section recognizes people and associations which took part in the completion of the thesis. It is expressed simply and discreetly.
▪ Abstract This presents the thesis summary. Included here are the statement of the problem, objectives of the study, methodology, major findings, significance and conclusions. The abstract should not be less than 200 words but not to exceed 500 words, and should be typed single-spaced. It does not include any reference to the literature.
▪ Table of Contents This is a listing of all parts of a thesis with page numbers. Included in the table of contents are the titles of chapters, sections and subsections, bibliography and appendices. Also included are the titles of the preliminary pages as well as required forms.
▪ List of Tables A listing of titles of ALL tables found in the body of the thesis with page numbers. Tables should be numbered in sequence, using Arabic numerals. For example,