References: Barrientos, T. (2011). The Mc-Graw Hill Guide: Writing for College, Writing for Life. In Se Habla Espanol (p. 57-61). Boston, MA: Mc-Graw Hill Learning Solutions.…
Upon completion of this course, the student will have mastered the following skills in the college writing process.…
Thank you for inviting my input on the writing course you are developing. Writing is the primary basis upon which your work, your learning, and your intellect will be judged. Writing promotes your ability to pose worthwhile questions. On the foundation of my experience, I would like very much to elaborate on a few questions. The following paragraphs detail the types of writing, features of writing, strengths, and weaknesses of colleagues at GSC.…
I have not had writing experience since I came to the United States of America. Before coming to U.S. I graduated from high school in my country in a different system and language. After I moved to U.S. I decided to attend in a college to improve my education level. Although I passed the replacement test in Thomas Nelson Community College by writing an essay which was not much acceptable for college level, I succeeded in ENF1. ENF1 was challenging for me because of weak vocabulary and writing skills. I mostly interested in science subjects such as; math, physics, and chemistry it should be another reason I am not good in writing.…
Truth be told, it’s been a few years since the last time I walked into a writing extensive course like English 1302. The last time that I sat in front of a computer, and slaved away for hours trying to create the perfect paper was in 2011, during my first semester at Texas Tech. It was English 101, and people had that it’s a class that I should not take lightly, but of course I thought I knew better. Let’s just say that I figured out, I was not the greatest writer in the world after all, but high school definitely made me think I was. Before I entered into my first semester of college level English, it was not unordinary for me to write a paper that received applause from teachers all the way through senior year. I wrote essays on books, such as the “The Great Gatsby” to critically breaking apart poems. One assignment that I remember vividly was my critical summary over Robert Frost’s Poem, “The Road Less Traveled”. Alas, those easy days are gone. Most of my time now is spent typing up emails to staff and teachers. Since I have been enrolled at Texas Tech, I have worked in Texas Tech’s School of Law in the Administrative Office. Much my work is behind a screen typing up emails. It has taught me a lot, so I feel as though I’ve become pretty proficient when it comes to writing up formal messages or relaying information in a professional way. I believe that I have a decent amount of experience when it comes to my writing abilities, and hopefully that will continue to grow throughout my time in this class.…
Callahan, M. Kate & Chumney, Donalda. “Writing Courses at a Community College and a Research University Position ‘At-Risk’ Students in the Field of Higher Education.” Teacher’s College Record 111.7 (2009): 1619-1664. Print.…
As a returning adult, non-traditional student, something that I find imperative and under-discussed is the transitioning process in which fellow scholars experience. Non-traditional students face challenges that are unlike traditional students. Bridging the gap between one’s pre-existing life and that of enrolling in higher education can be difficult. Often this break may feel like a never-ending balance beam, each variable of life attempting to tip the scholar in many directions. Furthermore, proper time management should be established, and personal relationships maintained.…
This class has taught me many things about myself along with many necessary skills needed while writing. I know now that, through hard work and determination, I can achieve what I might think to be impossible. While reflecting back on my initial writing abilities, I see the weak, uneducated style of writing. Each essay shows my progression and improvement, and, after a while, the class began to become much easier. Today, after practicing throughout my essays this semester, I believe that I, in fact, have…
Roen, Duane, Gregory R. Glau, and Barry M. Maid. The McGraw-Hill Guide: Writing for College, Writing for Life. 3nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013. ISBN 978-0-07-340592-6…
Improving my ability to become a great writer and write grade-A college papers is an important goal I hope to achieve by taking this class. My personal goals overall for this class is to gain the necessary elements and principles of writing, in order to further help my skills as a writer so it may lead to future success. As a writer my skills have improved over the years in things like grammar, thesis statements, outlines and critical thinking. Overall my skills in writing have greatly improved over the years, even though some may still require improvement. By completing this class over the summer, I look forward in reducing my weaknesses as a writer writer’s block and etc., in order to become a more significant and effective writer. Improving my writing skills has numerous benefits whether in college or things like vocabulary, keeping track of daily events, or even writing a journal of all the events taking place…
Over the course of the past three months, I have had the distinct pleasure of testing my writing capabilities through the Introduction to College Writing course. I have always had a passion for writing in all forms, but in previous years, the course work in grade-level English classes have been unchallenging of my writing ability. I have been heavily involved in Bonneville High School’s newspaper through journalism since my freshman year. This allowed me to strengthen my writing capability as I was drafting throughout the entire school year. I have never truly had to apply myself until I enrolled in English 101. Since the beginning of the class, I have faced various hardships while writing essays in unfamiliar styles, such as drafting a response to a scholarly article and synthesizing opposing perspectives. I have learned that I am more than capable in writing in different styles and that all of my work will be quality content regardless of the topic. I overcame the obstacles that have challenged me, and my essays exhibit that I am fully prepared to continue my work in English 102.…
Enrolling at Mildred Elley I was unaware there was a general education requirement. This being the case I understand the dilemma faced by scenario 1 an APA term paper.…
I am a college student that is taking English 28 which is a valuable time to learn what the rest of my college career is going to be like as far as writing is concerned. During this class I will learn the invaluable writing process of how to express ideas using various writing styles and be expected to work hard be on time, turn in assignments on time and put forth effort from the very beginning.…
Writing in journals for class or writing stories for entertainment proved to be great fun. The writing level of elementary and middle school was easy to learn and work with. Arriving in high school, I felt confident in my writing skills. High school level writing proved to be more challenging. After English I, I felt unprepared for the rest of my high school writing experience. I grew to become uninterested in writing for the next two years. I procrastinated finishing any writing assignment I was given. Though I received decent grades on my assignments, I could have received better grades had I not procrastinated writing my assignments. My attitude toward writing has changed from disinterested to excited with my Composition I and II classes. I have learned much in the first semester of this course and I have grown to enjoy writing again because of this…
“It has been suggested that, even though non-traditional students are more apt to work full time, these students are not affected by working, commuting, or time limitations because they have more experience at time management” (Lundberg, 2003). Working forty hours a week and being a full-time mom I know all too well about having to time manage everything. Already being in the field of work, I know the importance of deadlines and time management. Taking away extracurricular activities and applying that time to other things can allow you to find extra time to put towards more important things. However, it is still important to allow yourself to enjoy some freedom or allowing downtime.…