Time management is one of the top reasons that made me continue to put going back to school off for a couple of years. No matter how many times I talked myself into it, I just couldn't see myself taking time away from my children and husband to spend in a classroom. However, by setting a schedule for certain things I am still able to enjoy the time with my family. “Balanced with the stress of the added responsibilities, students have reported spending time with their families as the biggest stress reducer” (Canales-Gonzales & Kranz, 2008).
Forbus, P., Newbold, J. J., & Mehta, S. S. (2011). A STUDY OF NON-TRADITIONAL AND …show more content…
Just an additional trip to the grocery store is a hassle for me. I found myself going to the store every day after work. Therefore, I recently decided to start meal planning a week in advance. After working eight hours a day and having to go pick up the kids, cooking dinner is the last thing on my mind. I depend on the weekends to create my schedule for the week. This includes anything that needs to be done like additional activities for the kids. Most importantly, having the meal schedule done allows me the extra time to focus on my