A literature review
Statement of authorship
I certify that this literature review is my own work and contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any degree or diploma in any institute, college or university. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the literature review.
Signed: _____ _________________________________________________ Florian Steinmaier
Date: 20th of September 2008
1.1. Overview of the topic 3
1.2. Background and Definition 3
2.1. Definition of literature review 5
2.2. Literature search, methodology used 5
2.3. Description of sub-topics 6
4.1. Effectiveness of celebrity endorsement 9
4.2. The consumer 10
4.2.1. Association to celebrity endorsement 11
4.2.2. Perception of association 12
4.2.3. Attitudes towards the endorser 12
4.3. Positive or negative effects of celebrity endorsement 13
4.4. Purchase intentions 14
5.1. Implications for practitioners 15
5.2. Implications for further research 16
6.1. Articles 17
6.2. Books 19
6.3. Internet 19
1.1. Overview of the topic
Over the past few years the involvement of celebrity chefs in advertising campaigns has increased and it has become a part of the advertising strategy for retail and TV productions alike. By gathering information about this subject I have reviewed in general what celebrity endorsement was and how it has been used. This review should bring all relevant facts about the subject and facilitate practitioners and highlight areas for further research. In short celebrity endorsement is about endorsing products with the help from a
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