Understanding Indian Consumer Attitudes
Megha Gupta
Shilpa J
Northern Institute of Integrated Learning and Management – Centre for Management Studies
A central goal of today 's advertising strategy is the persuasion of customers, who are becoming increasingly educated, sophisticated and selective. Obviously, the changes in markets and lifestyle are driving marketers to focus on more persuasive ways of promoting their products. In today 's media driven markers, creative television advertising can promote not only products, but also attractive lifestyles and dreams that are highly valued by consumers. Very often, advertising makers use various advertising styles to influence consumers’ brand choice behavior. Among the different styles available, celebrity endorsement is becoming a popular choice in the advertising industry. Advertisers try to establish a link between their brands and a desirable image or lifestyle of a celebrity.
Research and experience show that consumers are most comfortable, and highly ready to spend, when celebrities endorse things that relate to their desired image. The perceived image of celebrities is likely to have a positive impact on product choice behavior (Goldsmith, Lafferty, and Newell, 2000; Mathur, Mathur, and Rangan, 1997). Consumers are likely to take more notice of celebrity advertisements and improve their level of product recall. In fact, the special influence of celebrity endorsement is further enhanced by the obvious features of television advertising. Television provides daily access to thousands of sport athletes, film and television stars, and other celebrities. This makes celebrity-based television advertising (CBTA) an attractive choice by advertising makers. The term CBTA will be used throughout this study to mean television advertising that depends primarily on celebrity endorsement to influence consumer brand choice
References: Alsmadi, S. (2006). The Celebrity Endorsement in Brand Choice Behavior: An Emperical Study of Consumer Attitudes in Jordan. Journal of Accounting - Business and Management , 69 - 84. Joshi, S. (2003, April 24). Face Value. Retrieved February 3, 2008, from The Hindu Business Line: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/catalyst/2003/04/24/stories/2003042400170200.htm Glossary of Marketing Terms