Every piece of written work you submit for assessment must have this cover sheet attached. Please type in your details then copy and paste to the front of your assignment and save the file ready to upload.
COURSE DETAILS Course Code: RBUS2900 Course Co-ordinator: Dr. Ravi Pappu
Course Name: Business Research Methods Assignment No: 2B Assignment Due Date: 28/05/2012
STUDENT CONTACT DETAILS Student Number: James Jun Qiang Low Ng Han Siong Derrick Bram Wijaya Peng Yang Cheng
Student Name: 42683346 42485184 42734480 42602600 Email Address: Low.james@me.com Derrick.nhs@gmail.com bramw91@yahoo.com cpyang1990@hotmail.com
Work submitted may be subjected to a plagiarism detection process. If this process is used, then copies of this work would be retained and used as source material for conducting future plagiarism checks.
Due Date: 28/05/2012 Submitted date: 27/05/2012
RBUS2900 Business Research Methods Assignment 2B Tutorial report
Cover sheet
Student ID
42683346 42485184 42734480 42602600 Low Ng Wijaya Cheng James Jun Qiang Han Siong Bram Peng Yang WEDNESDAY, 12pm – 1pm T27 Assignment 2B TOM MAGOR
Given name
Tutorial date & time Tutorial group (e.g. T24: G1) Assignment Number Tutor’s name
Time Tutor
T6 Wed 12-1 Teegan
T10 Wed 10-11 Teegan
T14 Wed 1-2 Kim
Tutorial T15 T16 Wed Wed 8-9 9-10 Tom Teegan Tutorial T24 T25 Thu Thu 11-12 3-4 Max Max
T18 Wed 4-5 Kim
T19 Wed 5-6 Kim
T20 Tue 2-3 Kim
Time Tutor
T21 Tue 8-9 Rahil
T22 Tue 9-10 Rahil
T23 Tue 2-3 Rahil
T26 Tue 12-1 Tom
T27 Wed 12-1 Tom
T28 Mon 10-11 Max
RBUS2900 Business Research Method Assignment 2 Part B
Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsements
For Non-Profit Organization
James Jun Qiang Low Ng Han Siong Derrick Bram Wijaya Peng Yang Cheng 5/28/2012
This is a research plan on how different celebrity related factors influence donor/volunteer perceptions of the
References: Mowen, J.C. & Brown, S.W. 1981. On Explaining and predicting the effectiveness of celebrity endorses. Advances in Consumer Research, 8(1): 437441 437 Cronley, M. L., Kardes, F. R., Goddard, P. & Houghton, D. C. 1999. Endorsing products for money: The role of the correspondence bias in celebrity advertising, Advances in Consumer Research, 26: 627– 631 628