In the beginning of her article Hanes uses an example of a personal story of Mary Finucane, a woman who began to realize earlier on that her once spunky free-spirited three-year-old daughter has “stopped running and jumping and insisted only wearing dresses” (Hanes pg 509). Her daughter would sit on the front step waiting for …show more content…
Some examples of solutions that Hanes provide are parent involvement and also help younger girls see the issue at hand. American Academy Pediatrics suggest and recommends only 1-2 hours a day for television, internet, and movies. Hanes essay is very informative on the negative effects of “The Disney Princess Effect.” Hanes use of organization and style makes it easier for her readers to understand. By using Logos and Ethos in her article, statistical evidence, and research she is able to present a compelling argument that reaches out to her audience especially parents of younger daughters of the seriousness of sexualization in younger