For generations there has always been a constant battle between good and evil. In society today, and societies in the past, people have struggled over the desire to be good, and the temptation to be evil. In one single tale we see different forms of good and evil, as well as how different ideas become viewed as good and evil as time goes on. The tale of Little Red Riding Hood is one that has allowed authors to write and rewrite over and over in order to fit into the beliefs of society, during specific time periods. Two tales in particular have allowed for deeper discussion into the definition of good and evil. The Brothers Grimm tale, “Little Red Cap”, was written and published in the 1800s; their target audience what that of school aged, middle-class children. The second of the two tales is that of Charles Perrault. “Little Red Riding Hood”, written and published in the late 1600s, his target audience was that of young girls would have the potential to be tempted by elder men. Through analysis of the texts it is clear that throughout different societies there are multiple types of good as well as evil. Whether it is the idea of obedience being of the utmost importance, or chastity being of the utmost importance, these two tales teach lesson after lesson to their audience.
In the Brothers Grimm tale, “Little Red Cap”, it is made very clear that obedience is of the utmost importance. The intended audience for this tale was that of middle-class, school aged children, during the early 1800s. At this time it was understood that children were to be respectful and compliant of their elders, specifically their parents. In this tale the mother gives drawn out specific instructions as to what Little Red Riding Hood (LRRH) is to do;
Look, Little Red Cap. Here’s a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Take them to your grandmother. She is ill and feels weak, and they will give her strength. You better start now
Cited: Page Perrault, Charles. “Little Red Riding Hood”. Templeton 5-6. The Brothers Grimm. “Little Red Cap”. Templeton 6-8. Templeton, Janet ed. RWS 200 Course Reader. San Diego; KB Books, 2012