The phrase “The right to die” means the ethical or institutional entitlement of the individual to commit suicide or to undergo voluntary euthanasia.( Right to die, - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 6 April 2012) It is one of the topics that has been debated over centuries. It starts from the 1950s, which arise from a small group of thinkers and writers in the United States and Europe, they began to argue about the choice that allows the patients to end their life by themselves in the case of surviving with those life support, in the case of the terminally ill, and many more. The acceptance of these arguments expand in the 1960s as the civil rights movement, the sexual revolution and other social movements helped to expand notions of personal freedom. While In the 1970s, this “right to die “has became an issue in the national stage due to the highly publicized 1975 case of Karen Ann Quinlan, who is a 21 year old woman that had fallen into a coma and she is unable to survive without the help of an artificial respirator. In this case Quinlan's family wants to remove her life support but it is thwarted by her doctor, leading to a lawsuit and a ruling by the Supreme Court that patients and by extension their families, they have a right to remove her life support. (Wired 2012) As “the right to die” has became an issue in the world, books begins to publish arguing about this topic, such as Managing Death by James M. Hoefler , Euthanasia and Law in Europe by John Griffiths, Heleens Weyers and Maurice Adams and many more.( James Leonard Park 2012) Law permitting doctors to end the life of certain terminally ill patients is created too, under the strict rules and procedures in several countries ,such as Netherlands , Belgium, Europe , Australia , United States , New Zealand and many more. Although it is approve and legalize by many countries but in my opinion, the right to die should not be considered a right because of several reasons.…