The Causes of Gallbladder Attacks
I. Introduction: It is estimated that approxiamately 10 to 20 percent of the population in the United States and Western Europe are currently being affected by Gallbladder attacks.
Thesis statement: These attacks are mainly caused by the development of gallstones in the gallbladder. II. Definition.
A. Gallbladder
B. Gallstones III. Causes.
A. Obesity
B. Estrogen
C. Ethnicity
D. Age and gender
IV. Symptoms.
A. Chronic indigestion
B. Sudden, steady and moderate-to- intense pain in your upper abdomen
C. Nausea and vomiting V. Diagnosis.
A. Ultrasound
B. Cholecystogram
It might sound interesting to explore the reason why so many people are currently being affected by these attacks. According to statistics, 1 out of 8 men and 1 out of 4 women will have gallstones or gallbladder problems before they reach the age of 60. What then is the Gallbladder? The gallbladder according to Dorland 's Medical Dictionary is the pear shaped reservoir for the bile on the posteroinferior surface of the liver, between the right and the left quadrate lobe, from its neck the cystic duct projects to join the common bile duct '. The function of the gallbladder in the human body is to solve and concentrate bile, which is produced by the liver and is necessary for proper digestion of fats. What are Gallstones? Gallstones form when the liquid stored in the gallbladder hardens into pieces of stone-like material.
Bibliography: Dorland 's Medical Dictionary Mayo Clinic Health Information. "What are Gallstones?" 11 Nov 2000<> National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. "Gallstones."<> http://