In a world where the approaching winter will last for 40 years, kings, queens, knights and vagabonds struggle for control of the Iron Throne. Some fight with sword and axe, some with magic and poison. To the north, however, beyond the Wall, the Others are preparing their army of the dead to march southward as the warmth of summer is drained from the land. This book stands out by way of its superbly developed characters and adroit prose. Chivalry is a concept integral to the society of the Seven Kingdoms, with tourneys and knights in shining armor galore. These trappings, however, merely give cover to dangerous men and women who will stop at nothing to accomplish their goals. When Lord Neddard Stark of Winterfell, an honest man and perhaps the only good-hearted creature in the noble caucus, comes south to act as the King’s chief…
The code of chivalry, in particular, shapes the values and actions of Sir Gawain and other characters in the poem. The ideals of chivalry derive from the Christian concept of morality, and the proponents of chivalry seek to promote spiritual ideals in a spiritually fallen world. The ideals of Christian morality and knightly chivalry are brought together in Gawain’s symbolic shield. The pentangle represents the five virtues of knights: friendship, generosity, chastity, courtesy, and piety. Gawain’s adherence to these virtues is tested throughout the poem, but the poem examines more than Gawain’s personal virtue; it asks whether heavenly virtue can operate in a fallen world. What is really being tested in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight might be the chivalric system itself, symbolized by Camelot. Arthur’s court depends heavily on the code of chivalry, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight gently criticizes the fact that chivalry values appearance and symbols over truth. Arthur is introduced to us as the “most courteous of all,” indicating that people are ranked in this court according to their mastery of a certain code of behavior and good manners. When the Green Knight challenges the court, he mocks them for being so afraid of mere words, suggesting that words and appearances hold too much power over the company. The members of the court never reveal their true feelings, instead choosing…
In 476 AD, during the medieval times, there were many knights. Most knights followed a chivalric code. By definition chivalry means the rules and customs of medieval knighthood. Chivalry can also be defined by seven knightly virtues: courage, justice, mercy, generosity, faith, nobility, and hope.…
Chivalry is the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight. Some of these qualities include courage, honesty, courtesy, loyalty, and justice. There are three major themes in chivalry; courtly love, religion and war. The code of chivalry helps outline the morals and behavior in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The principles of chivalry come from the Christian idea of morality. The role of chivalry/knighthood in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was an important part of society.…
“The motto of chivalry is also the motto of wisdom; to serve all, but love only one.” (Honore de Balzac). The Chivalric code is a clutter of rules that contradict each other and challenge normal human behavior. These rules of chivalry are predominantly concerned with courage, honor and gentlemen- like- behavior, which play an important role in proving one’s faithfulness to the King. In the poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir Gawain proves to be a hero because he continually struggles against his human flaws to act in a heroic manner. Sir Gawain is acknowledged as a chivalric human because he is a courageous man who perseveres through difficult events and faces both human temptation and terror.…
The textbook definition of chivalry is “a gallant or distinguished gentlemen” or “the system, spirit, or customs of medieval knighthood.” In the Medieval era, a knight had to behave in a certain manner, they had to follow the chivalric code or where punished. A knight had to be honorable and courteous towards others, and uphold a system of values of loyalty. A knight was required to have not just the quality and abilities to fight battles in the savage period of the Middle Ages but at the same time was relied upon to remember his chivalric duty and to maintain his composure. The concept of chivalry gave inspiration for stories about King Arthur and his round table in the Medieval period (169, Pearson).…
Medieval times were a time when honor was valued above all other qualities. All knights, the highest models of medieval manhood, adhered to a code of chivalry. When properly followed, this code allowed men to be truly honorable. Among the qualities most highly esteemed were integrity, loyalty, and courage. The clearest examples of chivalry were King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The Pearl Poet vividly illustrates the concepts of chivalry in his epic poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, where Sir Gawain is characterized as a very honorable, chivalrous knight. Throughout the poem, Gawain’s unceasing commitment to his code of chivalry provides a protection against, thus proving the value and necessity of chivalry.…
Loyalty can be known as a commitment a person will take to show their worthiness. In "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," loyalty had been misused by Sir Gawain. Gawain had broken his promise to the king he had stayed with by not giving him the girdle the queen had given him. This action made Gawain un loyal because he broke the one rule the king had given him. A similar action takes place in the present day, in which an act of un loyalty can be made through marriage. Husbands or wives can break their vows by cheating on their spouse. Just like Gawain who had cheated his own way out of the castle. These two scenarios both show acts of breaking a commitment known as un loyalty, which defies chivalry.…
Scholar William Childers states that, “by Cervantes's day, then, chivalry was debased to the point where its ethos of altruistic service had been replaced by sloth and greed, overlaid with a thin veneer of pretense.”1 This quote helps us realize what the real problem is when trying to discuss whether the medieval chivalry effectively died by the close of the Middle Ages. Indeed, it is important to establish a clear definition of what chivalry was for William Marshal and his successors. It was clearly not an altruistic service at all. William Marshal first motivation into entering the tournament fields, which grant him his everlasting fame “as the perfect knight […] [who] almost became the living embodiement of the mythical Arthurian knight”, was “not only to affirm [his] prowess […] [but] it could also bring [him] rich material rewards.”23 Likewise, William Childers insists on the knight's “service to God and king.”4 Loyalty was certainly a crucial feature of medieval knights, however, it was not so much about the king but rather the lord, to whom a knight swore an oath. For instance, William Marshal chose to stay loyal to his lord Young Henry and thus to be named in the the formal list of “diabolical traitors” to Young Henry's father, king Henry II of England.5 William Childers' definiton of…
Throughout the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the presence of chivalry in nearly every aspect of the knights’ lives, whether it is being tested or acted upon, is hard to miss. During medieval times, the ideal of chivalry was how a knight was supposed to act and live their life, and in this story, Sir Gawain is the embodiment of chivalry even through all of the tests he is put through by the Green Knight and Morgan le Fay. Now, in today’s society, chivalry is nowhere near as prominent as it was during medieval times. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, chivalry is a vital part of everyday life, whereas in modern times, chivalry can seem almost nonexistent.…
to Heorot to help him rid his kingdom of a great danger which he can not get…
Marie de France’s ‘Lanval’ (Abrams, 2006. p. 142-157) is a 12th century lais that tells the tale of a knight who is caught between two different worlds; that of his lover’s and his own. Forced to live between both worlds, Lanval finds himself stuck between a world of solitude and a world of love. Through the trials and tribulations that result from the circumstances that he finds himself in, Lanval is confronted with the challenge of keeping his love with the Queen of Avalon a secret. This essay aims to show that in order to become a better knight Lanval must confront the challenge that results from him being unable to keep his love with Queen Avalon sacred.…
Beowulf and Song of Roland are literary works that reveal the significance of warrior ethics and ideals. Although set in different times and representing different cultures, the warrior ethic of fame or shame pervades both Beowulf and Song of Roland. Heroism, honor, bravery, and strength shape men deserving of fame. Cowardice, betrayal, and weakness cover men in a thick cloud of shame.…
In The Song of Roland, Roland transpires as a hero as his deeds are motivated by his gallantry and dedication to the ruler. He represents the good in the epic’s theme: good versus evil. The evil is embodied by Ganelon, Roland’s stepfather who is responsible for his death. Roland is one of the strongest warriors in King Charlemagne's military. He is a courageous and daring soldier who is unafraid to fulfill and carry out his obligations.…
The Song of Roland is a heroic epic that depicts the tragic defeat of Roland, the courageous leader of Charlemagne’s army. Within the epic Roland is not depicted as a hero in every way. I believe that Roland’s pride eventually becomes the root cause of his failure to himself and to others. It is this pride that Roland carries that sheds light upon the culture out of which the poem emerges. In this culture during the late 700’s, pride in one’s religion is expected and upheld to great extents such as sacrifice.…