Give some examples of communities: Neighborhoods, families, dorms, and military.
The book of Matthew can be broken up into different categories relating to Jesus ministry. For example chapter 1-4 serve as an introduction to Jesus and begin to shed light on his true identity, chapters 5-9 deal with Jesus’ teaching of Israel, and so on. In our case, the chapters we have been dealing with as of late are teachings for the future Church that will be established after Christ’s resurrection.
The setting of the story is in a house (possibly Peter’s) in Capernaum. People present were Jesus, the disciples, the child, and most likely people of the household, whoever’s it was. Prior …show more content…
This passage serves as a warning to those both within in and without the church. For those within the church it reminds us that many may resemble Christians on the outside, but are not internally. It also helps us refocus on the true point of Christianity. To become a Christian one does not behave well or achieve a position of status in the world. You must turn from your sin and desperately cry out to God for salvation. Those who are not Christians must become like children and depend completely on God. Cast all your hope in …show more content…
Great freedom comes with Christianity. Jews no longer had to follow the ceremonial food laws. If I am acting in a way that is not sinful for me, but a younger brother thinks it’s a sin. I sin when I cause him to violate his own weaker conscience and follow suit in my behavior. Or if I am hanging out with Bob the new believer, who used to be an alcoholic, but I insist on exercising my freedom to have a beer, I am most likely gonna cause him to stumble. Or if we are having a theological debate, and I play devil’s advocate in order to make him angry for my own entertainment, I’m committing an egregious sin. Or if I see a brother about to make a mistake or has a thought that is contradict Scripture, yet I fail to teach them correctly for some reason (I don’t wanna deal with it or don’t care), I can cause him to stumble. It is better for us to abstain from using our freedom than to cause a weaker brother to stumble. Christ commands us to guard our younger brethren, do not frustrate