the Sabbath, not as a “pulling back, but rather a deep sympathy, harmony, and celebration with all that was there,” so we as humans can appreciate all of God’s wonderful gifts (Wirzba, 33). Wirzba emphasizes our total lack of appreciation by discussing the current state of the food industry and the role it plays in our lives. The average person today sees food as yet another commodity “neatly packaged, at a relatively cheap price,” and has put little, to no thought towards the actual process associated with getting that food to the shelf (Wirzba, 25). Our society crafts obsession and removes gratitude and understanding. Taking rest is crucial not only for ourselves but for reasons of trust and dependence. Wirzba emphasizes the importance of being dependent in a culture that places heavy emphasis on independence. As creations of God, humans must restore their trust in God and know that God’s many gifts will continue to provide.
the Sabbath, not as a “pulling back, but rather a deep sympathy, harmony, and celebration with all that was there,” so we as humans can appreciate all of God’s wonderful gifts (Wirzba, 33). Wirzba emphasizes our total lack of appreciation by discussing the current state of the food industry and the role it plays in our lives. The average person today sees food as yet another commodity “neatly packaged, at a relatively cheap price,” and has put little, to no thought towards the actual process associated with getting that food to the shelf (Wirzba, 25). Our society crafts obsession and removes gratitude and understanding. Taking rest is crucial not only for ourselves but for reasons of trust and dependence. Wirzba emphasizes the importance of being dependent in a culture that places heavy emphasis on independence. As creations of God, humans must restore their trust in God and know that God’s many gifts will continue to provide.