Specific Purpose:
To inform the audience about making decisions on whether or not to live together before marriage.
Deciding whether or not to live together before marriage is an important decision to make that has both negative and positive consequences depending on which side you choose.
I. Introduction:
A. Marriage is like fine win, if tended to properly, it gets better with age. According to Neil Shah, “In the last 50 years, the percentage of men and women who cohabit, or live together, before marriage – “living in sin” as it was still called in the 1960s – has increased by almost 900 percent. Today 70 percent of women aged 30 to 34 have cohabited with a male partner, and two-thirds of new marriages take place between couples who have already lived together for an average of 31 months” (Shah). Deciding whether or not to live together before marriage is an important decision to make, and today I would like to inform you about the pros, cons, financial and religious aspects of the topic.
Transition: Before making the decision of living together before marriage, you first need to know the pros.
II. Topic #1: Pros living together include:
A. First: You get to learn more about your partner before you commit to marriage. 1. Few things will strengthen your bond like experiencing your partner’s unique quirks on a daily basis. Marriage isn’t something to rush into, but rather should be taken slowly.
B. Second: You get to share responsibilities with someone you love and trust. 1. Sometimes roommates are awesome, but sometimes…they just aren’t. It can be refreshing to finally share bills and chores within the security of a loving relationship.
C. Third: Taking your relationship to the next step is exciting! 1. Some people enjoy moving in together with their partner and see it as a way to move forward and try new things.
D. Fourth: You have the opportunity to create a home that
Bibliography: Personal Traits, Cohabitation, and Marriage Michael T.French - Ioana Popovici - Philip K.Robins - Jenny F.Homer - Social Science Research - 2014 Shah, Neil. "U.S. News: Living Together before Marriage Stalls." Wall Street Journal Sep 12 2013, Eastern edition ed. ProQuest. 13 Mar. 2015 .