HISTORICAL BACKGROUND (DEVELOPMENT) Today, cohabitation is a common pattern among people in the Western world. “More than two-thirds of married couples say that they lived together before getting married. In 1994, there were 3.7 million cohabiting couples” (Wikipedia, n.d.). This is a far cry from a few decades ago. “Before 1970, cohabitation was illegal. Living together outside of marriage was uncommon, but by the late 1990s at least 50% to 60% of couples lived together premaritally. According to the
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND (DEVELOPMENT) Today, cohabitation is a common pattern among people in the Western world. “More than two-thirds of married couples say that they lived together before getting married. In 1994, there were 3.7 million cohabiting couples” (Wikipedia, n.d.). This is a far cry from a few decades ago. “Before 1970, cohabitation was illegal. Living together outside of marriage was uncommon, but by the late 1990s at least 50% to 60% of couples lived together premaritally. According to the