As a student of Department of Finance, every student has to conduct a practical orientation i.e., Internship on any organization for fulfilling the requirements of the BBA program. The main purpose of the program is to know the real world situation and to get a glimpse of the corporate culture. In this regard, I have the opportunity to submit the report from my experience while working as an Intern in Corporate Banking Division of Eastern Bank Ltd. Only theoretical knowledge without any practical experience makes a person sterile. On the other hand a person having practical experience but no theoretical exposure keeps him blind. The internship program is designed to overcome such sterile position. This program gives the chance to fulfill the theoretical knowledge that is acquired from class lectures, books, journals etc. in the practical settings. Here, I got an opportunity to realize the relevance and usefulness of the classroom learning and day to day operational experience in EBL Corporate Banking.
1.2 Objectives of the Study:
There are several objectives for conducting this study. These are as follows: ➢ To analyze the loan portfolio with industry exposure, both in Corporate & SME Banking. ➢ To find out the performance of different products & in different sectors. ➢ To investigate Credit Transaction and Loan Approval & Disbursement process. ➢ To briefly compare the Corporate Banking loan portfolio with that of Small & Medium Enterprise. ➢ To identify some of the shortcomings of both SME Banking & Corporate Banking loan portfolio performance. ➢ To come up with suggestion in order to improve performance of SME banking & Corporate Banking.
1.3 Methodology:
Several analytical tools (Comparative Study, industry analysis, pivot table etc.) have been used to analyze the major findings as well as to recommend suggestions for improving the performance of SME Banking & Corporate