The purpose of the comic strip is to communicate as quickly as possible an idea and an attitude towards that idea, in this case a gentle critic towards the idea of locavore.
Thesis: Alex Hallat uses language style and format to express his Cynicism.
Comics and cartoons are related to children. Most people are used to reading this from their child hood. The format is familiar. To convey his point to this generally uninterested audience the author has chosen the comic strip format. There are 5 easily digested frames which can hold a large amount of information that can be delivered in a very short amount of time. The comic strip allows the audience to receive a large amount of information in a very short time. The comic strip allows the image to reinforce the idea and then a “punch in the face” with words. The number of frames is digestible; it’s like an information snack. For example, you go to a reception and there are finger foods and it’s easier to eat it than substantial food. * Everyone hast time to read a short cartoon * Sometimes they are the most valid means to politicians and gives the truth
Another style is simplicity- simple characters and words. The most complicated word is locavore which is explained. The language and diction is simple. The visual and format is simple. There is someone intelligent and not so intelligent.
There’s a lack of style of image and written language, is plain and straightforward.
Irony-Dramatic Irony, Verbal irony, Situational Irony * The story takes place in the artic- it’s not a