During sessions of therapy, Julian Rotter has observed two kinds of behavior about control in his patients. The first group thought the control of everything was inside of their, this means they thought the success or failure about everything it was a consequence of their action.
For example, people with this behavior when get a promotion in their work think this is because they work hard and deserve the promotion. On the other hand, if they don´t get the promotion, they think it´s because they don´t work enough, they blame their selves. These people will think also, it´s their fault if a flight is changed and they will delay for an appointment. This group he has classified as “Internal Locus of Control”. …show more content…
In the previous example, if they get a promotion they will think it´s because luck or God or because someone likes them. On the other hand, if they don’t get the promotion they will think it was a bad luck or because someone it´s trying to damage their career. But, in the case of a changed flight they will not blame their selves, they will understand and accept that they can´t control and predict these things. This group he has classified as “External Locus of