1. Social psychology: the study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behavior influence, and are influenced by, the behavior of others
2. Social cognition: mental processes associated with people's perceptions of, and reactions to, other people
3. Self-concept: the way one thinks of oneself
4. Self-esteem: the evaluations people make about how worthy they are as human beings
5. Temporal comparison: using one's previous performance or characteristics as a basis for judging oneself in the present
6. Social comparison: using other people as a basis of comparison for evaluating oneself
7. Reference groups: categories of people to which people compare themselves
8. Relative deprivation: the belief that, in comparison to a reference group, one is getting less than is deserved
9. Social identity: the beliefs we hold about the groups to which we belong
10. Self-schemas: mental representations that people form of themselves
11. Social perception: the processes through which people interpret information about others, draw inferences about them, and develop mental representations of them
12. Self-fulfilling prophecy: a process through which an initial impression of someone leads that person to behave in accordance with that impression
13. Attribution: the process of explaining the causes of people's behavior
14. Fundamental attribution error: a bias toward overattributing the behavior of others to internal causes
15. Actor-observer bias: the tendency to attribute other people's behavior to internal causes while attributing our own behavior to external causes
16. Self-serving bias: the tendency to attribute our successes to internal characteristics while blaming our failures on external causes
17. Attitude: a predisposition toward a particular cognitive, emotional, or behavioral reaction to objects
18. Elaboration likelihood model: a model suggesting that attitude change can be driven by evaluation of the content of a persuasive message