Reading about locus of control and taking the test make certain things clear as to what makes some people fail and others successful under the same life circumstance. In this essay, I am going to define what locus of control is, discuss my result upon taking the locus of control test and finally look at how the test result will help me to succeed in this degree program.
By definition “A locus of control orientation is a belief about whether the outcomes of our actions are contingent on what we do (internal control orientation) or on events outside our personal control (external control orientation)." (Zimbardo, 1985, p. 275)
There are people who believe that whatever happens to them (good or bad) is as a result of their …show more content…
Those who have high locus of control believe that whatever happens to them is a result of their own behavior. This encourages them to take their destiny into their own hands and put in their maximum effort in everything they do. These are said to have internal locus of control.
Those with low locus of control on the other hand believe that whatever happens to them must be attributed to something: fate, luck, parents, etc. They are people who always blame others or fate for their failures.
The result of the test I took ( ) indicated that I have 80% success orientation. Thus, I have internal attribution style when it comes to success. This is interpreted to mean I believe that my success is as a result of my skills and I am able to accept the credit I deserve and my self-esteem, motivation and general well-being certainly benefit from this orientation.
Knowing that I have internal locus of control confirms to me that my destiny is in my own hands, meaning whether I complete this degree program successfully or fails is my own making.
This means I will succeed if I put in the maximum effort needed and I will not succeed if I do not put in the necessary