SESSION 2013/2014
Personal Information
Name :
Student’s Reg. No :
I.C No :
Telephone No :
E-mail :
Programme :
Current address :
Performance Evaluation
Throughout the practical session, the performance of all the students who enroll in the co-curriculum course will be evaluated through marks and graded. However, the grades will not contribute to the GPA and CGPA.
Games/Sports & Cultural courses are evaluated based on the following:
i. Attendance 20% ii. Log Book 20% iii. Involvement 10% iv. Achievement 10%
v. Technical skills 40%
1. Students who are absent from the Co-curriculum course and present a letter/proof of the reasons stated below will be considered present with a remark:
a. Medical Certificate (MC)
b. Represent TAR College for external events
c. Death of IMMEDIATE family member
2. Students who are absent with the reasons below will not be considered present:
a. Involvement in club/societies/school activities
b. Personal matters
Course Content/ Lesson Plan (to be given)
Week 1
1. To introduce the history and current development of volleyball
2. To enable students to understand the rules and regulations of volleyball
3. To enable students to understand basic principles for warm up exercise
Week 2
1. To introduce the basic digging skills
2. To expose students to the types of volleyball digging drills
Week 3
1. To recap session 2.
2. To detect and correct errors in digging skills
Week 4
1. To introduce the basic serve skills (underhand serve & overhand serve)
2. To continue practicing digging
Week 5
1. To recap session 4.
2. To introduce the basic spiking skills
Week 6
1. To continue practicing digging and spiking
2. Skills Test 1 - Digging
Week 7 1. To detect and correct errors in digging, spiking and serving skills
2. Skills Test 2