The Problem
In a company where information technology plays an important role in decision making, technology is an advantage to manipulate the crucial process of company’s inefficiency to support accountability and transparency; and to deliver services to people at more accurate and efficient manner. Such automated systems are being implemented in order improve the management in company.
Recently, IT is already a fundamental component of operation in the field of Business especially in services such as record keeping, scheduling, searching files, inventory and other common transactions in services establishments along their operations, they experience difficulties in their main transaction especially in record keeping and searching files. This problem paved way to the realization of innovate the record keeping, stock monitoring and scheduling as alternative mechanics and their transaction.
Aesglass Solutions Monitoring System is used to strengthen the security of their files such as low security of their files, easily alter of their log-in and log-out of their employees and voluminous records of their clients. It provides a strong security for their files and ensures that only a authorized person can use the system,. This automated process also reduces the manual work of the staff and enable them to view real-time information of the services.
In Davao City, Aesglass Solutions is a company that offers services such as Auto glass and tints, Sliding and swing doors, seamless and curtain walls, showcase and module, screens and frames, stained and glass etching, wall mirrors and tables and other. Though the company is already expanding they still not using any system. Furthermore, the company is already growing and the data they need to keep is increasing so they need a system with a database that can monitor their stocks.
Since their transaction is done manually there will be a problem that they encounter in stock monitoring and