-Definition of Logistics:
Logistics is the management of the flow of resources between the point of origin and the point of destination in order to meet some requirements, for example of customers or corporations.The resources managed in logistics can include physical items such as food, meterials, equipment,liquids, and staff as well as abstract items such as information,particles, and energy. The logistics of pyhsical items usually involves the integration of information flow, material handling, prodoction, packaging, inventory, transportation, warhousing,and often security.The complexity of logistics can be modeled, analyzed, visualized, and optimized by dedicated simulation software.Minimizing use of resources and time are common motives.
-Main Logistics Targets:
Logistics is one of the main functions within a company. The main targets of logistics can be divided into performance related and cost related. A few examples are high due date reliability short delivery times, low inventory level and high capacity utilization. When decisions are made, there is a trade off between targets.
-Logistics Fields:
Given the services performed by logisticians, the main fields of logistics can be broken down as follows:
• Procurement Logistics • Production Logistics • Distribution Logistics • After sales Logistics • Disposal Logistics • Reverse Logistics
Procurement Logistics consists of activities such as [[market research] requirements planning, make or buy decisions, supplier management, ordering, and order controlling. The targets in procurement logistics might be contradictory - maximize the efficiency by concentrating on core competences, outsourcing while maintaining the autonomy of the company, and minimization of procurement costs while maximizing the security within the supply process.
Production Logistics connects procurement to distribution logistics. The main function of production logistics is to use the