Logotherapy means therapy through finding meaning. It explains that our primary …show more content…
motivational force is to find a meaning in our lives. Realizing your will to meaning, extending beyond yourself and looking at yourself from a distance are some of the core principles of logotherapy. “This choice allows us to choose our emotions and attitudes.” (Frankl). By discovering our purpose, it guides us so we can learn how to handle ourselves and situations better. We can find meaning by creative values, such as music, experiential values such as love, or attitudinal value such as changing one's attitude by humor or bravery. In the book Maus, it thoroughly supports the idea of logotherapy. Throughout the text, the main characters, Anja and Vladek, had a purpose in life which helped them become survivors of the holocaust. Anja and Vladek were each other’s motivations; purposes in life. “But to know you’re alive it gives me still to hope.” (Spiegelman 53). To know that they both were during well in the holocaust, it brought them hope that one day their lives will be normal again. “I beg you Anja, keep yourself strong for my sake.” (Spiegelman 56). Vladek repeatedly informs Anja, to keep herself up and take care of her body for his sake. Knowing that Anja keeps him going, if she starts to become ill or weak, Vladek will also.
Most people in the holocaust who didn’t have a purpose, gave up.
“I won’t go to their gas chambers. And my children won’t go to their gas chambers.” (Spiegelman 109). Tosha didn’t think that the children and her life were worth the suffering. This is a common struggle for most of us; when things get tough, people who think it’s no purpose to their life, give up easy.
The movie Life is Beautiful also supports the belief of logotherapy. Guido and Dora informs their son that the concentration camp is a game and once they make it to the end, there will be a grand prize. In this way, Guido's imaginations is a way of escapism; a way for him to cope with reality. Dora is unhappy because she lacks love in her life. However, once she meets Guido and has her son Giosue, they become exactly what she was missing. Even when she has to deal with the most difficult experience of her life, her family gives her the bravery and determination she
Furthermore, the meaning of life includes a final goal. Finding our self worth helps us develop. That meaning in life can come with unconditional love, joy, modesty and humbleness. When we’re in the process of finding our purpose, we get higher consciousness; self realization .“The meaning of life is found in every moment of living; even in suffering and death.” (Frankl). A lot of times, when people overcome hardships it makes them realize their life means somethings. For others, living a good life the way they want, reveals their purpose in life. According to Frankl, life holds a potential meaning under any conditions, even the most miserable ones; it’s up to us to find our purpose.