In the beginning, Lola is a subservient child living under a very dominant old-world Dominican mother. She did all the right things that were expected from a Dominican hija; she cleaned, cooked, did well in school and raised her brother. It was after her first premonition, the time that she was to “begin”, that Lola began to rebel against her mother’s ways.
By the age of 14, Lola was trying her hardest to become the furthest thing from an ideal Dominican daughter, a punk Goth. She was rebelling against her mother’s oppression and searching for a life that would be her own. For the first time, she began fighting back against her mother and decided to do the thing she swore …show more content…
As she tries to run away, her mother falls to the ground; sprawled out and crying. Lola didn’t have it in her to keep running. Even though her mother was toxic and abusive, she was still her mother and she was her daughter. Unfortunately, her mother knew that she would do her daughterly duty and turn back to help her. This was her trick to catch her.
From there, Lola was sent to live in the Dominican. I found it interesting to read of her transformation into the “real Dominican Girl” she was trying to avoid becoming early in life. Being released from her mother’s reign allowed her to discover her own beautiful traits and talents. She was settling down, attending school again and becoming a star athlete on the track team. Even though things are calmer and she is happy, she finds that she doesn’t know who she is anymore. That premonition, bruja feeling, begins