
Loneliness In Of Mice And Men

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Loneliness In Of Mice And Men
Lennie and his dream on the ranch would never happen. He started to believe he’d have a chance to share the closeness of George and Lennie.

The audience can probably assume that Slim doesn

The men encountered throughout the story were puzzled as to why two men would travel together. Most of them traveled alone, and didn’t care about anyone else. The only person who came close to understanding their closeness was Slim, which leads some readers to believe he had someone he traveled with at some point in his life before he started work on the ranch. Explaining why he Throughout the book, a large variety of the characters encountered by George and Lennie display a sense of loneliness. Ranging from Candy to Curley. They all have a sort of broken touch about them that leads the audience to believe it’s
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He’s isolated himself because he must feel like if he’s alone voluntarily then he won’t give people the chance to exclude him themselves. He’s shunned for not just his skin but being disabled. He’s constantly unwelcomed wherever he turns, and so he eventually starts to believe that everyone’s out to get him. Which explains why in chapter four when Lennie tries to speak with him, he keeps trying to get him to leave. He’s forgotten how to trust, probably as a result of it being broken one too many times.

Curley’s wife was lonely, which is why she tried so desperately to talk to the other men working at the ranch. Although she was married to Curley, she later explains in the story she had only done that to get away from her mother. She hadn’t truly loved him. He must have known that in a way, because he tried so hard to keep her away from the other men. That reveals his distrust in her, and that he’s afraid of her

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