Most characters feel lonely and would do anything not to feel it. Most of the time men are seen traveling alone, so when the owner of the ranch seen that George and Lennie travel together. He didn't trust George because most of the time people aren't seen traveling together unless the other person owes money. “ Well, I never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy. I just like to …show more content…
The dream was also known as the American Dream. An example is George and Lennie’s dream of having their own ranch. After Candy’s dog has been shot. Candy immediately joins George and Lennie plan to settle on a farm of their own. Which showed emotional progression, but also that any of the characters would do anything to not feel lonely. That was what Candy did by joining George and Lennie’s plan. For some characters, dreaming wasn’t the solution to their problem because it would just hurt them more. An example is Crook he is an incredibly smart man but is bitter because he is separated and belittled by others due to racial differences. Being lonely has turned him sour and uses anger as a defense. He becomes upset when Lennie walked in his room but later warms up to being in the presence of another person. He acts like he’s still angered the fact that Lennie came in his bedroom, but the author straight out says he’s really not. Taking the information Lennie gave him about George’s, Candy’s and Lennie’s dream of having their own land. This was a dream Crook never allowed himself to dream about because he believed he would get hurt more than he already is. Crook is a broken old man and he knew for a fact it would hurt him. If he believed the dream would come